Meals, Neuropathy, Tips and Suggestions

Can positive thinking affect peripheral neuropathy?

To rid yourself of Neuropathy for good, you must first find the desire to get healthy. Once that is done, you must contemplate whether or not you really want to get rid of the disease.

Set the goal of “getting rid of my Neuropathy,” or becoming “Neuropathy free” and begin to think through how you will achieve that goal.

Imagine life without Neuropathy, allowing yourself to really “see” yourself without this affliction.

This mental imagery will continue to grow internally with practice, giving you the motivation and strength to continue on your journey towards Neuropathy freedom.

You see, the mind has two forms, the conscious (the thoughts we control) and the subconscious (the thoughts that are just there).

When the conscious mind continues to tell the subconscious mind something, the subconscious mind begins to accept the statement as truth (whether it is true or not).

This can be very helpful when trying to change your attitude – or can be detrimental when people constantly tell themselves the wrong message.

In its most basic form, that is how hypnosis works. The hypnotist consistently tells the subconscious mind something until it believes it.

For instance, those undergoing hypnosis to stop smoking will be given the same message over and over again: you do not need that cigarette or that cigarette makes you feel nauseous.

After awhile, the subconscious mind will accept the statement as truth and begin to react to it.

You can do the same thing without hypnosis. Simply repeat a statement like “My Neuropathy is gone,” 15 … 20 … or even 30 times day to yourself and eventually your subconscious mind will believe it, causing your internal system to “make it true.” And heal your nervous system and reverse your neuropathy.

Sometimes, this therapy works all on its own, but it generally needs to be incorporated into a full all-body treatment plan to allow complete healing.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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