arsenic in rice
Lifestyle, Meals, Neuropathy

Which foods should you avoid if you have nerve pain?

A lot of things can cause damage to your nerves. Peripheral Neuropathy is no exception.

When battling Neuropathy, it is important to stay away from foods that may cause inflammation and allergic reactions or even induce pain.

Adopting a total vegetarian diet can certainly help but which foods in particular should you stay away from? Here are a few suggestions:

Dairy products:

While some people can reincorporate minimal amounts of dairy later on, during the healing process all dairy (milk, yogurt cheese products) must be avoided.


Since the vast majority of Neuropathy patients are also diabetic, it is extremely important for patients to control their blood glucose/insulin levels.

This requires a strict adherence to a sugar-free diet and no artificial sweeteners are allowed either. The only permissible sugars are those found naturally in fruits, agave or Stevia.

Refined Foods:

Any time a food (like bread or rice) is refined, it loses the majority of its nutritional value.

This makes it more of a starch, which also causes glucose levels to rise.

Refined foods include such things as white rice, white pasta, white bread, etc. Do your best to stay away from anything “white.” One example is to substitute sweet potatoes for white potatoes.

Processed Foods:

Steer clear of foods containing a lot of preservatives and chemicals, since these ingredients can, over time, damage your nervous system.

Things available in box or canned form like macaroni and cheese cups, canned pasta, canned soups; etc. TV dinners, baked goods, and readymade side dishes.

Remember, if it can be stored on a shelf for more than a few days or can be cooked and eaten in a matter of minutes, the odds are it is considered a processed food and should be avoided.

Wheat Products/Gluten:

Even if you do not have sensitivity to gluten, you should avoid all gluten-laden products during the healing process.

This includes things made with wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Ingesting gluten when you are sensitive to it causes inflammation and that can cause nerve pain.


This was probably the hardest for me but rice contains small amounts of arsenic, which can be very troublesome for anyone who suffers from nerve damage, and therefore should be avoided as much as possible.

If it’s a staple food for you then at least make sure you boil and rinse the rice afterwards to reduce arsenic content.

Fried and Deep Fried Foods:

Any time oils are heated, they can become a toxic to the body.

Fried foods like French fries, breaded chicken, tenders, perogies, and more are also fatty and can contribute to obesity, which only adds to the Neuropathy patient’s problems. A better choice is always to bake.

Fried and Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated Oils:

The most common oils used in cooking and baking, refined and hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils may be fine when left in their natural state, but once they are processed, can become quite toxic in the body.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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