Lifestyle, Neuropathy

What exactly triggers diabetic neuropathy?

A metabolic disorder that renders the body unable to metabolize glucose levels in the blood properly, diabetes can result in multiple complications including liver damage, kidney problems, an inability to heal from wounds, as well as nerve damage.

When diabetes affects the peripheral nervous system, ongoing Neuropathy may result.

Considering the fact that nearly three quarters (about 70%) of all diabetic patients suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy, there is no doubt that the two conditions are closely intertwined.

Researchers believe that high levels of glucose in the bloodstream attack nerve fibers, a process that interrupts messages between the brain and the nervous system.

This disruption can cause all sorts of problems throughout the body.

Diabetic-related Neuropathies can affect any organ in the body including the digestive tract, heart, and even the sex organs.

Still, most diabetics experience their worst symptoms in the hands, feet, and legs.

Patients who find it difficult to control their blood glucose levels often experience the worst symptoms, which can include anything from mild tingling and numbness to excruciating pain throughout the legs, feet, and hands.

Nerves in the eye are extremely vulnerable to high glucose levels and can cause irreparable damage to a patient’s sight.

In the most severe cases, the loss of an eye may occur due to a buildup of pressure.

Those at the most risk of developing debilitating diabetic Neuropathy are those who have had diabetes for at least 25 years, find it difficult to control their blood glucose levels, are overweight, have high blood pressure and who exhibit other diabetic-related health problems.

Diabetes patients are especially prone to infections on the feet. The reason is quite simple: Neuropathy can leave their limbs numb, making it impossible to feel any cuts, bruises, or even infections.

This makes it especially important for Neuropathy patients to check their feet regularly for signs of injury and infection.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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