Lifestyle, Neuropathy

What foods you must avoid with peripheral neuropathy?

A healthy diet can go a long way for patients living with neuropathy. Like many other health conditions, the symptoms of neuropathy can be worsened or improved by what you eat.

When battling Neuropathy, it is important to stay away from foods that may cause inflammation and allergic reactions or even induce pain.

In general, 60-70% of people with diabetes also have some form of neuropathy, due to the high blood glucose which interferes with the transmission of nerve signals, and weakens the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to nerves.

There are certain foods that you simply can’t continue eating if you’re battling neuropathy.

No More Sugar.

Since the vast majority of Neuropathy patients are also diabetic, it is extremely important for patients to control their blood glucose levels.

This requires a strict adherence to a sugar-free diet and no artificial sweeteners are allowed either.

The more unstable your glucose levels, the more likely your Neuropathy will worsen. Even the smallest amount of table sugar should be avoided.

Also avoid high fructose foods like sweetened drinks and snack foods.

No More Gluten.

Even if you do not have sensitivity to gluten, you should avoid all gluten-laden products during the healing process. This includes things made with wheat, rye, barley, and oats.

If you experience any type of sensitivity to gluten, it is important to take it completely out of your diet permanently when battling with Neuropathy.

Some people can reincorporate minimal amounts of low fat dairy products when symptoms start to abate but during the healing process, all dairy (including milk, yogurt cheese products) must be avoided. It also doesn’t matter if it’s organic or raw. You have to remove it from your diet.

Oils may be fine when left in their natural state, but once they are processed, can become quite toxic in the body.

During the refining process, the molecules of the oil are actually changed, and some small amount of metal product is added so these oils can become dangerous to your health and wellbeing especially if you ‘re already battling neuropathy.

Processed foods may be quick and easy to cook and eat, but that convenience comes at a price – your health.

Steer clear of foods containing a lot of preservatives, salt and chemicals, since these ingredients can, over time, damage your nervous system.

These usually include things available in box or canned form like macaroni and cheese cups, canned pasta, canned soups, pretzels and snacks of any kind.


Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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