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Stress-induced Neuropathy

Lifestyle, Neuropathy

Can peripheral neuropathy be caused by stress?

We all know that stress is never good for the body. Chronic stress can cause all sorts of medical issues, including peripheral Neuropathy.

But do you have any idea why stress causes your nerves to go haywire and chronic pain to develop?

When the body is stressed, it reacts. This reaction is completely normal. After all, stress is a natural way to alert the body of trouble. Suddenly you become more aware of every sight, sound, and smell around you.

Your body tenses and your heart beat and blood pressure rise. You may become flushed as adrenaline courses through your veins. You are on alert.

While this is a good way to keep yourself out of danger, when the normal stressors of life keep you in a constant state of alert, your entire body feels it.

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