Lifestyle, Neuropathy

How do you know if you have alcoholic neuropathy?

Alcoholism or binge drinking affects millions of people every day in the United States. 

More than 16 million adults have an alcohol use disorder. Nearly 90,000 people die from alcohol-related issues every year.

Peripheral neuropathy is mostly associated with diabetes but you can also damage your nerves with alcohol abuse.

High amounts of ethanol in alcoholic beverages can be toxic to nerve tissues. 

In most cases,  nerves in your feet and hands can be affected resulting in reduction or even loss of sensation as diabetic neuropathy patients often experience.

People suffering from alcoholic neuropathy may experience a burning and tingling feeling in their extremities.

These symptoms may last for months and even years in severe chronic cases. People in such condition are obligated to completely stop alcohol consumption in order to prevent further damage to the affected nerves in their hands and feet.

People suffering with alcoholic neuropathy may also experience one of the following symptoms : Constipation, impotence in men, difficulty urinating and nausea.

If you’re an alcoholic who suffers from peripheral neuropathy and feel that you simply cannot stop then you must seek professional help. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, psychotherapy, yoga and meditation or the 12-step program can all be quite beneficial.

Fortunately, the damage done to your nerves from alcohol abuse can be slowly reversed in most cases but it has to be a drastic life change including stopping the consumption of all alcoholic beverages, following a healthy diet plan, adding daily exercise to improve circulation to your hands and feet and lastly, consulting with a therapist in order to prevent slipping back to alcoholism in the future.


Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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