Lifestyle, Neuropathy

How do you calm down neuropathy symptoms?

People with peripheral neuropathy usually experience painful tingling, hot and cold sensations, or shooting pains in their hands or feet.

Certain natural treatments can help ease some of the symptoms or even prevent further nerve damage.

Add Exercise To Your Daily Routine

It doesn’t have to be intense but know that any type of exercise can promote muscle tone, which may reduce symptoms of neuropathy.

Exercise can also help fight several health issues that cause neuropathy like diabetes which can lead to peripheral neuropathy. Exercise helps control blood sugar levels, which reduces the risk of complications from diabetes.

Exercise also reduces pressure on peripheral blood vessels, which can benefit people at risk of developing neuropathy.

Quit Smoking Now!

Smoking cigarettes can reduce oxygen flow and decrease circulation, which can increase neurological problems.

Smoking can also damage the immune system and increase Neuropathy symptoms.

If it’s too hard for you to quit then try hypnosis. The hypnotist consistently tells the subconscious mind something until it believes it.

For instance, those undergoing hypnosis to stop smoking will be given the same message over and over again: you do not need that cigarette or that cigarette makes you feel nauseas.

After awhile, the subconscious mind will accept the statement as truth and begin to react to it.

Focus first on B vitamins. B-12, B-9, B-1, B-6 -can all help ease neuropathic pain.

Next in line is Alpha-lipoic acid which can decrease insulin resistance thereby reducing symptoms like pain, tingling, and prickling in the feet and legs.

Finally, to combat inflammation, take Omega 3 and Vitamin E.

Most neuropathy patients are also diabetic so the first dietary change has to focus on removing simple carbs from your diet. Fruits should also be minimized in consumption especially fruit juices.

Avoid all junk food and processed food.

Eat a more plant based diet focusing mostly on vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds and some organic eggs if you want.

Everyone seems stressed these days and for good reason: we are constantly on the move, moving from activity to activity virtually every day, taking little time to just chill out. There are a few things you do to achieve that:

1. Make a to-do list for a more efficient daily schedule.

2. Accept your limitations.

3. Cut back on non-essential responsibilities.

4. Learn to say NO.

5. Remove yourself from stressful situations.

6. Do daily meditation at home for 10-15 minutes once or twice a day.


Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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