Lifestyle, Neuropathy

How can you test for neuropathy at home?

If you believe that you are suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, look for these common symptoms: pain, numbness, or tingling in your hands and feet.

Numbness often begins gradually, growing worse over time. Pain can be very mild to extremely severe.

So how can you best evaluate your symptoms?

Answer these basic questions to see if you need to discuss the problem with your doctor:

• Am I extra sensitive to touch?

• Do my hands feel tingly or numb?

• Do I experience bouts of recurring pain and numbness in my feet?

• Do my muscles sometimes feel weak

• Do I fall a lot?

• Do I often feel off-center when walking?

• Do I sweat a lot?

• Do I suffer bouts of diarrhea and/or constipation?

• Do I suffer from incontinence?

• Do I have a lot of GI problems?

• Do I suffer from high blood pressure?

• Do I ever feel lightheaded or dizzy?

• Am I diabetic?

• Have I been exposed to any poisons?

• Am I on any regular medications?

• Do I suffer from an autoimmune disease?

• Have I suffered with any type of infections recently?

• Have I had Lyme Disease?

• Am I an alcoholic?

• Have I been in an accident recently?

• Do I have thyroid problems?

• Do I suffer from any vitamin deficiencies?


If you answered YES to three or more of these questions, then see your doctor right away. You may be experiencing signs of peripheral Neuropathy.


Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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