Busting 3 neuropathy myths
Lifestyle, Neuropathy, What is Neuropathy

Let’s bust 3 more myths about peripheral neuropathy!

This is a follow up to my last article about neuropathy myths. So let’s dive right in.

Myth #3: Nerve Damage is Irreversible.

Treating Neuropathy is a largely a misunderstood science, even amongst those specializing in the disorder.

One of the biggest misconceptions regarding Neuropathy is that once the nerves are damaged, the Neuropathy is permanent.

This is simply not the case. In many (maybe even most) instances, Neuropathy can be reversed.

The body is an amazing instrument and can heal itself in most circumstances – if given the right tools. The human body is very good at repairing damage and fixing problems (like nerve damage) to get itself back into working order.

With the right treatment protocol, most neuropathies can be slowed and even reversed. The key is figuring out what is causing the damage (and stopping it) and giving the body what it needs to heal any damage already done.

Myth #4: Old People Always Get Neuropathy.

The older you get the more you have to deal with aches and pains – right? Not necessarily!

Neuropathy pain is not a sign of natural aging – it is a sign of nerve damage.

This damage can be caused by all sorts of things like injuries, infections, or another disease. But getting older isn’t one of those causes.

Just because you are at certain age does not mean that you are destined to suffer from nerve pain.

The best defense against becoming a Neuropathy sufferer in your aging years is to keep your body healthy and strong and get help as soon as symptoms arise.

Myth #5: Prescription Medications Are the Only Solution.

You definitely don’t have to suffer from growing Neuropathy pain but you have to be aware of the limitations of conventional treatment.

Prescription drugs for Neuropathy are designed to ease or mask the symptoms. They won’t target the root cause of your condition.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program


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