Lifestyle, Neuropathy

These 10 known toxins can damage your nerves

While any toxic substance poses a threat to nerve function, those exposed to neurotoxins are in even more danger of nerve damage and Neuropathy.

Neurotoxins are substances that interfere specifically with electrical activities in the nerves (either by overstimulating them or interfering with communication between nerves and the brain).

Studies show that neurotoxins actually shorten the lifespan of nerves, which can also cause all sorts of problems, including neuropathy.

We encounter some of the most dangerous neurotoxins every day through the foods we eat. Here are ten of the biggest culprits to avoid when fighting peripheral Neuropathy:

1. First one is Aspartame: (also known as NutraSweet): Very common in sugar-free food products, especially sugar-free gums and drinks. Most aspartame is made from the fecal matter of genetically modified bacteria.

2. Second one is Monosodium glutamate: (most commonly known as MSG): Very common in chips, canned food, baby food, and other junk food.

3. Next we have Sucralose: (also known as Splenda): An artificial sweetener that is very popular in sugar-free products, especially sugar-free drinks.

Sucralose was accidentally discovered while researching a new insecticide, which is why some researchers suggested that sucralose should be listed in the insecticide category. This neurotoxin is regarded as a chemical cousin to DDT.

4. Aluminum: A metal commonly found in drinking water, over-the-counter antacid and vaccine.

5. Fluoride: This toxin is very common in drinking water and conventional toothpaste.

The fluoride used for consumer products is a mixture of many hazardous chemicals. It is known as sodium fluoride, not to be confused with the natural calcium fluoride. This is why there are warning labels on fluoridated toothpaste.

6. Mercury: This heavy metal is common in fish products, vaccine, and amalgam fillings. It is also found in some drinking water.

7. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein: This harmful food ingredient is very common in certain junk food. It contains high concentrations of glutamate and aspartate. In high levels, glutamate and aspartate can stimulate nerve cells to death.

8. Calcium caseinate: This toxin is popular in protein supplements, energy bars, and junk food. It is harmful to the brain due to its neurotoxic properties.

9. Sodium caseinate: This type of protein is common in dairy products and junk food.

10. Lastly we have Yeast extract: A popular food ingredient in many processed foods, such as canned foods, it is toxic to the brain

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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