Lifestyle, Neuropathy, Tips and Suggestions

Is walking good for neuropathy and can it have any benefit?

We are all very much aware of the benefits of exercise on our overall health, mind and spirit. Doctors usually recommend a healthy person to engage in any type of workout for at least 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week to achieve optimal health.

Some people suffering with peripheral neuropathy often experience burning sensation and shooting pain in their legs and feet, and doing any type of workout, even brisk walking, seems to worsen their symptoms.

But maybe they aren’t doing it right…

Truth is that you should incorporate some form of workout into your daily routine but you will have to choose a workout that is right for you, so always take your specific condition into account when choosing the type and intensity of your exercise.

Weight training is an excellent way to build muscle and strength. It is a great way to increase your balance. Start slow, especially if you suffer from thinning bones or have not exercised in a while

For example, if your neuropathy is mostly focused in the extremities or has affected the sensation in your feet then opt for short distance brisk walks rather than long distance strenuous running or even jogging.

If you have open sores or some type of foot ulcers then stationary bicycle or swimming may be a a better option for you.

What’s important to understand is that you have to improve blood circulation throughout the body. The more blood circulates the more oxygen your nerve tissues receive.

Being immobile can not only shrink your muscles but also make you lose flexibility and decrease your body’s metabolism which is so important especially when you suffer from type 2 diabetes and high blood glucose levels.

So make sure you schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss which exercise workout is right for you. Remember that low-impact exercise is always better than complete inactivity.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program

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