Lifestyle, Neuropathy, Supplements

Does alpha-lipoic acid help with neuropathy?

Alpha Lipoic Acid or ALA is a fatty acid made by your body. It helps to convert blood sugar (glucose) into energy using oxygen and controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic neuropathy patients is a must.

But it is also a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing harmful free radicals that damage cells.

While your body makes its own ALA, you may need an extra boost if you suffer from neuropathy.

Neuropathy is a common complication of chronic diabetes. It usually begins in the feet and toes.

Alpha-lipoic acid can decrease insulin resistance thereby reducing symptoms like pain, tingling, and prickling in the feet and legs.

Now, oxidative stress and free radicals caused by excessive glucose metabolism are associated with the development of diabetic complications.

The end result is that they cause changes in myelin, the protective layer around your nerve tissue.

The good news is that Alpha-lipoic acid is also known to be a scavenger of certain free radicals so you’re basically getting 2 benefits related to peripheral neuropathy:

Controlling insulin and blood sugar level and getting rid of the free radicals and oxidative stress.

Now, it is important to note that as we age, the amount of natural Alpha lipoic acid produced internally in the body decreases so taking a supplement is essential.

So how much do you need to take?

In most cases, taking just 600 mg each day of Alpha Lipoic acid will help to reduce Neuropathy symptoms. You need to take it for at least 2-3 weeks in order to start seeing results.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your neuropathy? Check out my Neuropathy Revolution program 

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